A Teacher Shares
Recently, I was visiting with a parent about her child being ready to transfer to an older classroom. I was remarking about how well she had accomplished toilet training and how her language had just started flourishing. Mom, Crystal, told me that Serenity has really blossomed at First Step. Crystal said, “Serenity has made really excellent progress at First Step. When she started, she couldn’t walk and was hardly talking.” Serenity couldn’t say any distinguishable words and cried often. Transition times were the most difficult. Instructors, coordinators, and therapists partnered with her family to encourage Serenity in her therapies and push her to reach important developmental milestones. They have all had a hand in helping Serenity make a successful journey from room to room and accomplishment to accomplishment over the years.
Today, Serenity is able to feed and help dress herself. She is able to communicate her needs and she is able to run and play with friends. She always has a smile and loves to listen to stories. However, with all her progress achieved, Serenity continues to need developmental and therapy services to progress her developmental skills further so that she will be ready to go to kindergarten in a few years with fewer supports than she would have without developmental services. With continued developmental services, Serenity will be ready to transition to kindergarten—independent and ready to learn all her school has to offer.
~Rhonda Pettit, DT4 Teacher in Fordyce